Bu sınıf oluşturulurken listesini hazırlayacağı klasör konumuna zorunlu olarak ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Hazırladığım sınıfın kaynak kodu şu şekilde geliştirildi.
<?php /** * This class is used to represent the list of Templates that are in a directory. * * @author Behçet MUTLU * @copyright 2009 Adres Gezgini */ class ADVTemplateList { private $dir; private $list; private $ready; /** * This is the default constructor of the class that needs directory to be * traversed of which contains the templates. * * @param mixed $dir * @return void */ public function __construct($dir) { $this->dir = $dir; $this->_initialize(); } /** * This method is used to initialize the private variables of the class that * are used by this class. * * @return void */ private function _initialize() { $this->list = $this->_getTemplates($this->dir); $this->ready = $this->list != false; } /** * This method is used to traverse the list of the directories of given directory * and collect the list of templates in to an array and return, if the directory * exist template list, otherwise false. * * @param mixed $directory to be traversed * @param mixed $exempt to exclude from listing * @param mixed $templates the referance to be used * if we want collect from multiple directories * @return template list or false */ private function _getTemplates($directory, $exempt = array('.','..','.ds_store','.svn'), &$templates = array()) { if( ! ($handle = @opendir($directory))) // with @ character we are avoiding the wrong path error to be displayed as an exception return false; while(false !== ($resource = readdir($handle))) { if(!in_array(strtolower($resource),$exempt)) { if(is_dir($directory.$resource.'/')) { if(file_exists($directory.$resource."/template.xml")) $templates[] = new ADVTemplate($directory.$resource."/template.xml"); else debug("Template at \"" . $directory.$resource . "\" does not contain <i>template.xml</i> schema file."); } } } closedir($handle); return $templates; } /** * The setter methods of the class * @param value to set */ public function setList($value) { $this->list = $value; } public function setDir($value) { $this->dir = $value; $this->_initialize();} /** * The getter methods of the class * * @return values requested */ public function getList() { return $this->list; } public function getDir() { return $this->dir; } public function isReady() { return $this->ready; } } ?>
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