Hazırlamış olduğum sınıfın kodu şöyle:
/** * This class is used to represent a ADV Template to provide required fileld and values along * the reqistration process of the advertisement. * This class uses Domdocument object library to load xml schema file. * * @author Behçet MUTLU * @copyright 2009 Adres Gezgini */ class ADVTemplate { private $name; private $author; private $datecreated; private $copyright; private $website; private $schema; private $isReady; private $xml; private $fields; private $values; /** * This is the general constructor of the ADV Template class that used to initialize the * ADV Template itself with given arguments. */ public function __construct($schema = "", $values = array()) { $this->schema = $schema; $this->isReady = false; if($this->schema != "") $this->load(); if(sizeof($values) > 0) $this->setValues($values); } /** * This method is used to initialize the Template from the schema file and set the values */ private function initialize() { $this->name = $this->xml["template"]["info"]["name"]; $this->author = $this->xml["template"]["info"]["author"]; $this->datecreated = $this->xml["template"]["info"]["datecreated"]; $this->copyright = $this->xml["template"]["info"]["copyright"]; $this->website = $this->xml["template"]["info"]["website"]; $this->fields = $this->xml["template"]["fields"]; foreach($this->fields as $fieldType) { if($fieldType != 0) foreach($fieldType as $field) { if($field != 0) $this->values[$field["@id"]] = isset($field["default"]) ? $field["default"] : ""; } } } /** * This method is used to initialize the Template from the schema file and set the values */ public function load() { $xml = new CArray2xml2array(); if($xml->setXMLFile($this->schema)) { $this->xml = $xml->toArray(); $this->isReady = true; $this->initialize(); debug("XML file, \"" . $xml->getXMLFile() . "\" loaded successfully.","pre"); } else { $this->isReady = false; debug("Error: XML file could not be loaded!"); } } /** * This method is used to learn if the xml file is ready or not */ public function ready() { return $this->isReady; } /** * This method is used to set value of the class */ public function setName($value) { $this->name = $value; } public function setAuthor($value) { $this->name = $value; } public function setWebsite($value) { $this->website = $value; } public function setDatecreated($value) { $this->datecreated = $value; } public function setCopyright($value) { $this->copyright = $value; } public function setSchema($value) { $this->schema = $value; } public function setFields($value) { $this->fields = $value; } public function setXml($value) { $this->xml = $value; } /** * This method is used to get value of the class */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->author; } public function getWebsite() { return $this->website; } public function getDatecreated() { return $this->datecreated; } public function getCopyright() { return $this->copyright; } public function getSchema() { return $this->schema; } public function getFields() { return $this->fields; } public function getXml() { return $this->xml; } /** * This method is used to set value of the class */ public function setValueOf($id, $value) { $this->values[$id] = $value; } /** * This method is used to set values of the class * The spacial thing here is setting only given indexes but keeping the rest of * the values remain same. */ public function setValues($values) { foreach($values as $id=>$value) $this->setValueOf($id,$value); } /** * This method is used to get a string output of this object. */ public function toString() { print_r($this); } }
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